Mini Facelift 



The Mini Facelift is a  surgical procedure designed to address sagging skin and rejuvenate the lower portion of the face, including the jawline and jowls. This innovative treatment provides patients with a more youthful and refreshed appearance, targeting the multiple signs of facial ageing. The Mini Facelift  focuses on enhancing the lower face, providing natural-looking results without the need for extensive surgery.


During the procedure, Miss Berridge repositions and tightens the underlying facial tissues, addressing sagging skin in the lower face. She employs advanced surgical techniques to minimise incisions and scarring, ensuring a faster recovery process.

The Mini Facelift is performed under general anaesthesia either as a solo procedure or combined with other facial plastic surgery procedures. With her precise skills, Miss Berridge restores facial contours and definition, creating a revitalized and natural looking transformation.


Following surgery, patients may experience some mild swelling and bruising in the lower face. These temporary side effects are common and are managed with a  post-operative care regime provided by Miss Berridge.

Patients must avoid strenuous exercise, bending or straining for up to three weeks during the initial healing phase. As healing progresses, patients will enjoy a  gradual enhancement of their lower facial features, resulting in a refreshed transformative appearance.